
Type used with Socket Manipulation Functions to specify a network address.


#include <prio.h>

union PRNetAddr {
  struct {
     PRUint16 family;
     char data[14];
  } raw;
  struct {
     PRUint16 family;
     PRUint16 port;
     PRUint32 ip;
     char pad[8];
  } inet;
#if defined(_PR_INET6)
  struct {
     PRUint16 family;
     PRUint16 port;
     PRUint32 flowinfo;
     PRIPv6Addr ip;
  } ipv6;
#endif /* defined(_PR_INET6) */

typedef union PRNetAddr PRNetAddr;


The structure has the following fields:


Address family: PR_AF_INET|PR_AF_INET6 for, PR_AF_INET for, PR_AF_INET6 for


Raw address data.


Port number of TCP or UDP, in network byte order.


The actual 32 (for inet.ip) or 128 (for ipv6.ip) bits of IP address. The inet.ip field is in network byte order.




Routing information.


The union PRNetAddr represents a network address. NSPR supports only the Internet address family. By default, NSPR is built to support only IPv4, but it’s possible to build the NSPR library to support both IPv4 and IPv6. Therefore, the family field can be PR_AF_INET only for default NSPR, and can also be PR_AF_INET6 if the binary supports IPv6.

PRNetAddr is binary-compatible with the socket address structures in the familiar Berkeley socket interface, although this fact should not be relied upon. The raw member of the union is equivalent to struct sockaddr, the inet member is equivalent to struct sockaddr_in, and if the binary is built with IPv6 support, the ipv6 member is equivalent to struct sockaddr_in6. (Note that PRNetAddr does not have the length field that is present in struct sockaddr_in on some Unix platforms.)

The macros PR_AF_INET, PR_AF_INET6, PR_INADDR_ANY, PR_INADDR_LOOPBACK are defined if prio.h is included. PR_INADDR_ANY and PR_INADDR_LOOPBACK are special IPv4 addresses in host byte order, so they must be converted to network byte order before being assigned to the inet.ip field.